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The Passover Seder Plate
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The Passover Seder plate contains foods
that have special meaning

A mixture of chopped walnuts, wine,
cinnamon and apples that represents the mortar the Jewish slaves
used to assemble the Pharaoh's bricks
Freshly grated horseradish reflects the
bitter affliction of slavery
Potatoes, Onions, or Parsley dipped in
salt water, reminding us of the bitter tear our ancestors shed while
being enslaved in Egypt.
Betza (Egg)
The egg is often metaphoric in usage. Like
the egg that hardens the more one boils it, so do the people of
Israel strengthen their commitment the more challenging the
situation. The round shape of the egg also reminds us of the cycle
of life.
Zro-a (Bone Shank)
Symbolic of the sacrificial lamb offering,
the bone can come from whatever the family is eating, such as the
leg bone of a roasted turkey
Maror (Romaine Lettuce)
Literally bitter – Maror also reflects the bitter affliction of

The Ten Plagues of Egypt - a Passover (Pesach) brings you much more about the holiday, its
meaning and its traditions... See the links below.