Funny Passover
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A Passover Song
[Sung to the tune of "These are a few
of my favorite things"]
Cleaning and cooking and so many dishes
Out with the hametz, no pasta, no knishes
Fish that's gefillted, horseradish that stings
These are a few of our Passover things.
Matzoh and karpas and chopped up haroset
Shankbones and Kiddish and Yiddish neuroses
Tante who kvetches and uncle who sings
These are a few of our Passover things.
Motzi and maror and trouble with Pharoahs
Famines and locusts and slaves with wheelbarrows
Matzoh balls floating and eggshell that cling
These are a few of our Passover things.
When the plagues strike
When the lice bite
When we're feeling sad
We simply remember our Passover things
And then we don't feel so bad.

Take Me Out To
The Seder
(To the tune of , of course, "Take Me Out to the Ballgame!")
Take me out to the Seder
Take me out with the crowd.
Feed me on matzah and chicken legs,
I don't care for the hard-boiled eggs.
And its root, root, root for Elijah
That he will soon reappear.
And let's hope, hope, hope that we'll meet
Once again next year!
Take me out to the Seder
Take me out with the crowd.
Read the Haggadah
And don't skip a word.
Please hold your talking,
We want to be heard.
And lets, root, root, root for the leader
That he will finish his spiel
So we can nosh, nosh, nosh and by-gosh
Let's eat the meal!!!

Paraoh doesn't Pay
(To the tune of "I've been Working on the Railroad")
We've been working on these buildings;
Pharaoh doesn't pay.
We've been doing what he tells us
Mixing straw with clay.
Can't you hear the master calling,
"Hurry up, make that brick!"
Can't you feel the master whip us
'Til we're feeling sick.
Oy vay, it's a mess,
A terrible distress,
Oy vay, it's a mess for Jews, us Jews.
Moshe's in the palace with Pharaoh,
Warning of all God's clout, clout, clout.
Moshe's in the palace with Pharaoh,
And God's gonna get us out!
We're singing . . . .
Fee, Fi, Fiddely eye oh,
Make our matzahs "to go" oh oh oh.
Fee, Fi, Fiddely eye oh,
Stick it to the ol' Pharaoh!

Moses Island
(Sung to the tune of Gilligan's Island)
Just recline right back and you'll hear a
a tale of dreadful trip.
That started with ten awful plagues brought onto Egypt,
brought unto Egypt.
The boss he was a Jewish man raised as a
Pharaohs son.
Then G-d he did come calling and soon the fun begun,
soon the fun begun.
More blood, such frogs, and all those
Pharaoh could just barely see.
The Jews were really scoring points and soon they would be free.
and soon they would be free.
They shlepped and shlepped for forty
years across a desert land.
He went up to Mt Sinai and a party soon began,
a party soon began.
Moses, the Pharaoh too, Aaron and his
Marianne the skipper too here
on the desert island.

The Ten Plagues of Egypt - a Passover (Pesach) brings you much more about the holiday, its
meaning and its traditions... See the links below.