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Rosh Hashanah
By: Rivka C. Berman, Contributor
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Happy New Year! Rosh Hashanah, literally, "head of the year," which is commonly
known as the Jewish New Year, celebrates the creation of the world. Rosh
Hashanah, the first of a string of holidays in the fall, is one of the
Jewish nation's holiest days. The Torah refers to Rosh Hashanah as "Yom
Ha-Zikaron," the day of remembrance, and "Yom Teruah," the day of
sounding the shofar (the ram's horn).
Rosh Hashanah occurs on the first and second days of the Hebrew month of
Tishrei. The Jewish New Year Celebration has little in common with the
secular celebration in January. The traditions and rituals of Rosh
Hashanah are not associated with partying, fireworks, or football games,
rather they are devised to encourage contemplation, reflection, and
self-evaluation. They reinforces the notion of responsibility for one's
life, conduct, and actions.
Unlike the other Jewish holidays, Rosh Hashana and Yom Kippur are not
connected to nature, agriculture or historical events, rather it's
celebrated based on the Torah's instruction in Leviticus 23:24. The
Torah says, "...In the seventh month, on the first day of the month, you
shall observe a complete rest, a sacred occasion commemorated with loud

Mazor Guide to Rosh Hashanah brings you much more about the holiday, its
meaning and its traditions... See the links below.
Buy Kosher Wines for Rosh Hashanah!!