Kosher for Passover Cookbooks
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Complete Passover Cookbook
Frances R. Avrutick / Hardcover /
Published 1981
In 19 chapters, spiced with history
and laced with lore, the author shows how to make every Passover
dish a succulent delight--from tempting hors d'oeuvresto elegant
main dishes to luscious desserts and pastries.
My People Eat! : Passover Seders Made Simple
Zell Schulman, Herbert Bronstein /
The first Passover Seder cookbook that
not only takes readers through the ceremony, but also features six
Seder menus to suit individual religious backgrounds, diets,
budgets, and time constraints, "Let My People Eat!" really
does make Passover Seders simple. Includes a chapter on kosher wines
and food pairings. 20 line drawings.
New York Times Passover Cookbook : More Than 200 Holiday Recipes
from Top Chefs and Writers
Linda Amster(Editor), Linda Armster
(Editor) / Hardcover / Published 1999
At last, from the paper of culinary
record, comes a treasure trove of more than 200 recipes that
celebrate the delicious festivity of the Passover table. Compiled
from Times articles spanning almost fifty years, The New York Times
Passover Cookbook represents Jewish cuisine from all over the world.
No Cholesterol Passover Recipes
Debra Wasserman, Janet Steinberg (Illustrator) / Paperback / Published 1995
Penny Wantuck Eisenberg / Hardcover /
Published 1996 Passover dessert no longer means dry
sponge cake and flavorless macaroons. Penny Eisenberg has created 50
delicious dessert recipes, all using Passover-approved ingredients
such as potato flour, matzo meal, and Passover chocolate, that taste
as good as they look. 35 line drawings.
Lite Kosher Cookbook
Gail Ashkanazi-Hankin, Gail Ashkanazi
Hankin / Hardcover / Published 1996
The author provides a wide range of
recipes--from those handed down for generations to those less
traditional--and transforms them with a lighter, lower-fat approach.
An overview of time-saving tips and general cooking advice will make
Passover cooking easier and cooking the rest of the year healthier.
Passover Table : New and Traditional Recipes for Your Seders and the
Entire Passover Week
Susan R. Friedland, Penina
(Photographer) / Paperback / Published 1999
"...written with detailed
explanations of the hows and whys of the Passover rituals...The
Passover Table is sure to become a classic guidebook to the joys
of a distinctive and delicious culinary tradition."

The Ten Plagues of Egypt - a Passover (Pesach) brings you much more about the holiday, its
meaning and its traditions... See the links below.