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The Menorah: Bearer of the Light
By: Rivka C. Berman, Contributor
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contrast to other lively winking, blinking and full color holiday light
displays, the flames on the Chanukah menorah candelabra
are hushed. What is remarkable is their ability to bring light to the
darkest corners – though the flames are so few.
It’s somewhat ironic that though Jews light, at maximum, nine candles,
and this would be a pathetic number of holiday lights in other settings,
the holiday has become known as the Festival of Light. This name is not
found in classical Jewish sources.
The main symbol of the holiday is a menorah known in Modern
Hebrew as a Chanukiyah. This name was invented to distinguish the
seven-branched menorah that stood in Jerusalem’s ancient Holy Temple and
the nine branches of the candelabra lit on Chanukah.

Mazor Guide for Chanukah brings you much more about the holiday, its
meaning and its traditions... See the links below.
