Insights for the Younger Tzadikim Vayetze
5761 God's Blessings on Jacob and Us - Our Blessings on the World Yaakov
Avinu (our Father Jacob) was told something very important.
This something has blessed us and, when we live up to
God's commandments, blesses the entire world.
In Parashat Vayetizei at Bereshit (Genesis) Perek
Chav-Chet (Chapter 28), pasuk yud-daled (verse 14), it says: 14.
And thy seed shall be as the dust of the earth, and thou
shalt spread abroad to the west, and to the east, and to the
north, and to the south, and through thee all the families
of the earth shall be blessed, and through thy seed. The
Torah was written over 3,000 years ago.
Yet, here we see God telling Yaakov Avinu that we
will be spread abroad to the four corners of the earth.
And of course, this indeed happened about 1,800 years
ago. Just as
important, is the message that all the families of the earth
shall be blessed by Yaakov's children, namely us.
So this brings up a question?
Are all the families of the earth blessed through us
all the time? The
answer, according to our sages, is yes provided that two
conditions are met. The
first condition is that other people bless us and treat us
properly. The
second condition, which is even more important, is that we
keep God's Torah - His Laws. When we
are keeping the Torah and doing mitzvot, we are fulfilling
the mission that God gave us.
One mitzvah that is very important is to treat all
other Jews with respect - this is called Ahavat Yisrael.
Literally, it means to love other Jews.
This is a very difficult mitzvah but a very important
one. Even
though we may not agree with how other people live or
behave, if they are Jews, we have to be respectful of them
because God commanded us to be.
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