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The Torah's
Weekly Portions
In last
week's Parashah, we talked about the Law from the standpoint
that the intention is for the Law to be a foundation and to
have structure but not at the cost of Justice.
At the very end of Perek Lamed-Hay (Chapter 35), we
have an opportunity to understand some of value placed on ha
Aretz (the Land) which today is, for the most part, the State
of Israel. In
psukim lamed-gimel and lamed-daled (verses 33 and 34), we see
the extraordinary relationship that is established between
God, Bnei Yisrael (the Children of Jacob/Yisrael), and the
Land. 33.
You shall not bring guilt upon the land in which you are, for
the blood will bring guilt upon the Land; the Land will not
have atonement for the blood that was spilled in it, except
through the blood of the one who spilled it: Rav Samson
Raphael Hirsch says the following concerning verse 33
concerning the term hypocrite: [This
means] to play the hypocrite, to put on an air of piety; to
present an appearance externally which by no means corresponds
to the inner reality. So
that he who makes a man into a hypocrite takes away the inner
kernel leaving the outer appearance unchanged. He goes on
to say that .
. . innocent blood spilt makes the land into a
"hypocrite." In
Man called to near-divine freedom of will, the purpose of all
earthly development and forces reaches the summit of its goal.
In every living drop of human blood which bears the nefesh
(soul) of a human being, and is the means of its existence
here below, heaven and earth touch each other, the earthly is
mated to the heavenly; a human society to which every drop of
the blood of its members is not holy, which does not take up
the cudgels of innocent human blood which has been spilt,
denies the purpose for which the forces of the earth work,
breaks the condition upon which the soil of its land belongs
to it, deceives the expectations in which the earth offers its
forces, becomes a "hypocrite" to its country and
makes its country into a "hypocrite" towards it. Finally,
Rav Hirsch states: For
by shedding the blood of his brother-man, [the murderer's] own
blood has lost its justification, he himself had forfeited the
right to go on living; and tolerating the further continuing
living on of one who has deliberately and with foresight
murdered a fellow-man, is an insult to and derision of the
higher dignity of the conception of Man being near God, is a
break of the contract under which God gave the earth to Man,
under which God had given the land to Yisrael. In
previous commentaries, I have presented information concerning
the extraordinary nature of the Land and its relationship to
God and to Bnei Yisrael.
These excerpts and commentaries by Rav Hirsch
demonstrate the responsibilities required for living in the
Land. The
Parashah goes on now to cover the Land itself with pasuk
lamed-daled: 34.
You shall not contaminate the Land in which you dwell, in
whose midst I rest, for I am Hashem Who rests among the
Children of Israel: Rav Hirsch
says the following: [Pasuk
lamed-daled] is a different relation of the land to its
inhabitants than that depicted in [pasuk lamed-gimel].
There the land is looked on as the basis of human
existence. The
land refused the grant the inhabitants such existing if the
destruction of the existence of a man by a man leaves them
indifferent. Here
the land is looked on as the basis of the national social life
and the Presence of God on earth.
Both, the national social well-being of the life of the
people to be built up on devotion to God and His Torah, as
well as the Presence of God promised to such an elevation of
communal social life up to God clearly rest on the recognition
and consciousness of the higher dignity and value of human
life, of the recognition and consciousness of human beings in
the likeness of their Creator.
If the whole of God's Torah rests on the three
fundamental bases of justice, Love of fellow man, and Moral
sanctification of one's own life, then the whole Torah stands
or falls with the recognition and consciousness or the denial
and repudiation of the higher dignity and value of human
beings being in the likeness of God!
Justice rests on the recognition of one's brother men
being in the likeness of God, sanctification of morals and
love rest on the recognition of one's own self being in that
likeness. If Man
is only in the likeness of animal, purely a physical being
like all living creatures around him in the Creation, then
force, and selfishness and life, there can be no talk of
Justice and Love and sanctification of morals; then
"physical lack of freedom," "necessity"
with all its consequences of force and depravity is the
exclusive stamp of the earth and human life, then it is the
animal-ideal to which the tribute of worship is paid in home
and state, or individual and national life, then for God, the
One to be recognized and acknowledged in Justice, Love and
Morality, for Him there is no place on earth. It is clear that Bnei Yisrael has an awesome responsibility with regard to the Land and with regard to all of mankind. It is just as clear that the Land and its relationship to God is unchanging. The relationship that the land has with the children of Israel provides a most accurate barometer as to how well Bnei Yisrael is fulfilling its missions. As stated previously in these commentaries, it is my belief that Ahavat Yisrael is the most key issue and that everything else follows after. The Torah, with these two psukim, seems to bear that out.
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