The Torah's
Weekly Portions
Numbers /
- 101
Posted June, 2000
to Torah Portions Archive
I am the free God Who sets bounds and limits for everything,
Who alone is sufficient for all with My free almighty
sovereignty, conduct yourself, do not allow your conduct
to be determined by outside influences but only by your
own free-willed self-determination. Do not "go," but
"conduct yourself," and do so "before My Countenance."
Let My Countenance be before you everywhere and at all
times; decide and conduct your every move before My
Countenance and be "whole."
Writings of Rabbi Samsom Raphael Hirsch
Volume III, page 68
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Parashat Beha'alotcha begins
in Bamidbar (Numbers) at Perek Chet (Chapter 7) and runs through
Perek Yud-Bet (Chapter 12). This Parashah begins where Nasso
left off with more instructions to the Levi'im or Levites
and their conduct then and when serving the Beit HaMikdash
(Temple or Sanctuary), and their term of service. Following
this are the commandments concerning Pesach (Passover) including
when and how it is to be observed and some details concerning
people who are away during Pesach. Following this, there is
some discussion concerning the creation of the two Teruot
(bugles) used in announcing movements of the camp as well
as instructions for striking and reassembling the people in
their movements, and the description of such a movement of
three days away from Har Sinai (Mount Sinai).
Following this, there is a minor
outcry by the people concerning their limited diet - the mahn
(manna) and how things were better in Egypt as there they
had fish, cucumbers, melons, leeks, and garlic. Needless to
say, such statements were not well received by God. At this
point, it is clear that Moshe is a bit overwhelmed from the
nursemaid part of his job as he says in Perek Yud-Aleph, pasuk
yud-daled (Chapter 11, verse 14):
14. I alone cannot
carry this entire nation, for it is too heavy for me:
As God did previously with the appointment of the Sanhedrin,
the seventy elders to provide assistance, Hashem now decides
to expand their duties:
Hashem said to Moses, "Gather to Me seventy men from
the elders of Israel, whom you know to be the elders
of the people and its officers; take them to the Tent
of Meeting and have them stand there with you:
I will descend and speak with you there, and I will
increase some of the spirit that is upon you and place
it upon them, and they shall bear the burden of the
people with you, and you shall not bear alone:
After a discussion concerning what is to be said to the people
and God's deciding that expanding the diet might be a good
thing, we get to the essence of the expanded duties of the
Moses left and spoke the words of Hashem to the people;
and he gathered seventy men from among the elders of
the people and had them stand around the Tent:
Hashem descended in a cloud and spoke to him, and He
increased some of the spirit that was upon him and gave
it to the seventy men, the elders; when the spirit rested
upon them, they prophesied, but did not do so again:
Two men remained behind in the camp, the name of one
was Eldad and the name of the second was Medad, and
the spirit rested upon them; they had been among the
recorded ones, but they had not gone out to the Tent,
and they prophesied in the camp:
The youth ran and told Moses, and he said, "Eldad and
Medad are prophesying in the camp.":
Joshua son of Nun, the servant of Moses since his youth,
spoke up and said, "My lord Moses, incarcerate them!":
Moses said to him, "Are you being zealous for my sake?
Would that the entire people of Hashem could be prophets,
if Hashem would but place His spirit upon them!":
The commentaries
around this incident with Eldad and Medad are very interesting.
Although lengthy, the comments bear repeating in their entirety.
To quote from Rav Hirsch's Pentateuch Translation and Commentary:
behavior of Eldad and Medad at the moment when the elders
were called to form the first Sanhedrin, and Moshe's
remarks thereon are of the deepest importance for all
the successors of this Jewish "Institute of Elders"
for all time. It proclaims that by the appointment of
the highest intellectual and spiritual authority in
Israel, no monopoly in intellectuality or spirituality
is to be formed, that the spiritual gifts of God are
in no way dependent on office or profession, and that
the lowest in the nation could be considered as equally
worthy of the spirit of God as the first official in
the highest office. But Moshe's answer to Yehoshuah
(Joshua) remains for all teachers and leaders as the
brilliant example they should keep before their eyes
as the highest ideal aim of their work, viz., to make
themselves superfluous, that the people of all classes
and ranks reach such a spiritual level that they no
longer require teachers and leaders. And indeed the
successors of these "elders" have well inherited the
spirit of the Moshe, have recognized their highest mission
. . . to make the knowledge of the Torah the broadest
foundation of life in the people and have proclaimed
"establish many learners" as the first maxim for all
spiritual leaders of their people. With Moshe's "are
you zealous for me"?, Moshe has broken down the dividing
wall between "intellectuals" and the "lower classes,"
between clergy and laity, for ever in Israel.
[Mesechta/Talmud Tractate] Sanhedrin 17a, various opinions
are given as to what the prophecy of Eldad and Medad
proclaimed. According to one it was concerning the coming
event of the quails. Another says it was that Moshe
will die and Yehoshuah will bring the Israel into the
Land, and finally a third opinion declares that they
prophesied about the last war of Gog and Magog, which,
according Yechezkal (Ezekial) and Zekrahya (Zechariah),
will form the final development of the history of the
ages. Gog of whom Yechezkal says in 38:17, "Art thou
he of whom I have spoken already in the days of yore,
through my servants the prophets of Yisrael, who in
those days prophesied that in years to come I would
bring thee against them?" These men, who at the same
time prophesied about years to come, would then refer
to Eldad and Medad. Elsewhere we have developed the
thought that Gog and Magog represent the "roof principle,"
the principle of a dictator at the summit, the concentration
of all leadership in one supreme "head" in its most
absolute consistency, and therefore, after the defeat
of Gog, the city of the opposing principle of democracy
will be called Ha Monah, the "City of the Masses." (Yechezkel
39:16). If there is any truth in this thought it would
be of no small significance that the prophecy of Eldad
and Medad is taken to refer to that distance final victory
of the principle of democracy over that of Gog and Magog,
or to the nearer event of the death of Moshe and the
leadership of Yehoshuah. Then it would be just the mouths
of the most modest men, who, out of modesty kept back
from a recognized most influential official post and
preferred to remain amongst the people, which were deemed
worthy of proclaiming the most ideal democratic future,
where the centre-point of the social well-being of the
world will be focused not in the [elite] but in the
[masses], not in Gog and Magog, but in the [people].
Or they proclaimed a fact that, as the death of Moshe
and the completion of the national destiny through Yehoshuah
made clear, no man, not even Moshe may consider himself,
or be considered by his contemporaries, as indispensable.
Moshe dies -- and the destiny of the nation still gets
essential points of this are three-fold. There is a clear
declaration that, according to Halachah (Jewish law), no one
person is superior to another - no matter their knowledge,
spirituality or office. Second, there are the prophecies concerning
the World to Come and the time of the Moshiach (Jewish Messiah)
- when there will be universal peace. Third, and most important,
there is the clear statement that this universal peace will
result with, and maybe from, all of us respecting each other
to the utmost and recognizing each other's values as human
beings and children of Hashem.
Translations in Torah Portions of the week are partially taken from the ArtScroll
Stone Edition Chumash and from
Rav Samson Raphael Hirsch Chumash
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