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The Torah's
Weekly Portions Parashat
9. They said to him, "Where is Sarah your
wife?" And he said, "Behold! -- in the
tent!": 10. And he said, "I will surely return to you at this time next year, and behold Sarah your wife will have a son." Now Sarah was listening at the entrance of the tent which was behind him: 11. Now Abraham and Sarah were old, well on in
years; the manner of women had ceased to be with Sarah: 12. And Sarah laughed at herself, saying,
"After I have withered shall I again have delicate
skin? And my husband is old!": 13. Then Hashem said to Abraham, "Why is it that Sarah laughed, saying - 'Shall I in truth bear a child, though I have aged?': 14. -- Is anything beyond Hashem?! At the appointed
time I will return to you at this time next year, and Sarah
will have a son.": 15. Sarah denied it, saying, "I did not
laugh," for she was frightened. But he said, "No,
you laughed indeed." There
are commentaries, although I was unable to locate them, that
discuss the point of pasuk 15 wherein God says, only to
Sarah, "No, you laughed indeed."
The Gemorah tells us that Hashem made an additional
comment after the words quoted in pasuk 13 where He corrects
His words to Avraham Avinu and suggests that Sarah did not
laugh in order that Avraham would not become angry with her. From
this lesson, we learn the importance of Sh'lom Bayit (Peace
in the Home). Sh'lom
Bayit is so important to God that he actually broke one of
His own rules and lied in order to protect the continuity,
respect, and love to be found in the dwelling of Avraham and
Sarah. Certainly,
this establishes the importance in God's eyes and opinion.
How could Sh'lom Bayit be any less important to
ourselves? Parashat
Vayera contains another important section found in Perek
Chav-Bet and that is the binding of Yitzchak (Isaac).
The beginning says the following: 1. And it happened after these things that God
tested Abraham and said to him, "Abraham," and he
replied, "Here I am.": 2. And He said, "Please take your son, your
only one, whom you love -- Isaac -- and go to the land of
Moriah; bring him up there as an offering upon one of the
mountains which I shall tell you.": The
Stone Edition Chumash offers the following notes with regard
to this and another all important issue: Although the Sages state clearly that Avraham was
tested ten times (Avos 5:3), there are several versions of
what the tests were. Following
are the lists of tests given by Rashi and Rambam in their
commentaries on the above Mishnah: Rashi 1.
Abraham hid underground for thirteen years from King Nimrod, who wanted
to kill him. 2.
Nimrod flung Abraham into a burning furnace. 3.
Abraham was commanded to leave his family and homeland. 4.
Almost as soon as he arrived in Canaan, he was forced to leave to escape
a famine. 5.
Sarah was kidnapped by Pharaoh's officials. 6.
The kings captured Lot, and Abraham was forced to go to war to rescue
him. 7.
God told Abraham that his offspring would suffer under four monarchies. 8.
At an advanced age, he was commanded to circumcise himself and his son. 9.
He was commanded to drive away Ishmael and Hagar. 10.
He was commanded to sacrifice Isaac. Rambam 1.
Abraham's exile from his family and homeland. 2.
The hunger in Canaan after God had assured him that he would become a
great nation there. 3.
The corruption in Egypt that resulted in the abduction of Sarah. 4.
The war with the four kings. 5.
His marriage to Hagar after having despaired that Sarah would ever give
birth. 6.
The commandment of circumcision. 7.
Abimelech's abduction of Sarah. 8.
Driving away Hagar after she had given birth. 9.
The very distasteful command to drive away Ishmael. 10.
The binding of Isaac on the altar. That God tested, literally, the God. The same God Who
had revealed Himself to Abraham and had given him Isaac as
the culmination of his life's goal now tested him to see if
he would give up his treasured son (R' Hirsch). This is the only one of Abraham's Ten Trials that
the Torah explicitly calls a test, because the others were
carried to completion as he understood them -- Abraham
actually left his homeland, sent away Ishmael, and so on --
but this one remained nothing more than a test, because God
did not permit Abraham to slaughter Isaac (Abarbanel). The
second pasuk of this section offers two beautiful examples
of Jewish works of commentary.
First, there is this from the Zohar: Please take. Since Abraham was 137 and Isaac was 37, there was
no way Abraham could force Isaac to go. Rather, he was to
take him by persuasion to do the will of God. (Zohar) Second,
there is this commentary from Gemorah (the Talmud): Your son. God did not immediately reveal to Abraham the
clear identity of the intended offering. The Talmud records
the conversation, as follows: God said, "Take your son." "But I have two sons. Which should I
take?" "Your only one!" "But each of them is the only son of his
mother." "Whom you love!" God answered. "But I love them both." "I mean Isaac," God replied. There were two reasons why God did not say directly,
"Take Isaac." Firstly, He wanted to avoid giving a
sudden command, lest Abraham be accused of complying in a
state of disoriented confusion. [This is also a reason for
having him travel for three days of reflection before
carrying out the injunction.] Additionally, the slow
unfolding of the offering's identity was to make the
commandment more precious to Abraham, by arousing his
curiosity and rewarding him for complying with every word of
the command (Sanhedrin 89b; Rashi). The
intention here is to take advantage of what the Stone
Edition Chumash provides and to allow our users to see the
words of the Zohar and the Talmud, two beautiful works of
Jewish wisdom, for themselves.
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