The Torah's
Weekly Portions
- Pekudei 101
Posted March, 2001
to Torah Portions Archive
Parashah: |
Pekudei |
(Book) |
(Exodus) |
Perek (Chapter): |
Lamed Khet
(38) |
Pasuk (Verse): |
Chav Alef
(21) |
Perek: |
Mem(40) |
Pasuk: |
Lamed Chet
(38) |
Key Points of
Parashat Pekudei:
Parashat Pekudei is the conclusion of Sefer Sh'mot and
discusses the completion of the Tabernacle. There are two
interesting points that will be shared in this week's
This Week's Psukim
- Perek Lamed-Tet (39):
: Like everything that
Hashem commanded Moses, so did the Children of Israel
perform all the labor:
Moses saw the entire work,
and behold! -- they had done it as Hashem had commanded,
so had they done! And Moses blessed them:
and at Perek Mem (40):
He erected up the
Courtyard all around the Tabernacle and the Altar, and
he emplaced the curtain of the gate of the Courtyard. So
Moses completed the work:
The cloud covered the Tent
of Meeting, and the glory of Hashem filled the
Moses could not enter the
Tent of Meeting, for the cloud rested upon it, and the
glory of Hashem filled the Tabernacle:
When the cloud was raised
up from upon the Tabernacle, the Children of Israel
would embark on all their journeys:
oil for illumination,
spices for the anointment oil and the aromatic incense:
If the cloud did not rise
up, they would not embark, until the day it rose up :
For the cloud of Hashem
would be on the Tabernacle by day, and fire would be on
it at night, before the eyes of all of the Children of
Israel throughout their journeys:
Focus of this Week:
In Perek Lamed-Tet (39), the Hebrew indicates something
quite unique. In Perek Mem (40), a great deal concerning the
one-on-one relationship that God had with B'nei Yisrael (the
Children of Israel) is revealed.
from the Stone Edition Chumash:
(35) Moses could not enter. This phrase states that the
glory of God was so intense that Moses could not enter, but
a later verse (Numbers 7:89) states that he would regularly
enter the Tent of Meeting. A third verse, the second phrase
of this verse, resolves the contradiction: for the cloud
rested upon it ... Thus, when the cloud rested upon the
Tabernacle, Moses could not enter, but when the cloud
lifted, he could enter to speak to God (Rashi,
from Toras Kohanim). In the plain meaning of the verses,
however, when God wished to speak to Moses, He summoned him,
and Moses stood outside the Tent of Meeting, so that he did
not enter the place that was filled with God's glory (Ramban).
(36) When the cloud was raised up. Only when the nation was
being shown that it was to travel did the cloud lift; at all
other times it rested on the Tent in all its intensity. This
was a greater degree of Godly Presence than was found in the
Tabernacle at Shiloh or in either Temple. But in the Third
Temple, may it soon be built, the degree of the Shechinah
will be even greater (Sforno).
Ramban, in his introduction to the Book of Exodus, writes
that this book is the story of the first Divinely ordained
national exile and the redemption from it. He concludes:
The exile was not completed until the day they returned to
their place and came back to the level of their forefathers.
When they left Egypt, even though they had departed from the
house of slavery, they were still considered to be exiles,
for they were in a foreign land, wandering in the
Wilderness. When they arrived at Mount Sinai and built the
Tabernacle, and the Holy One, Blessed is He, returned and
rested His Presence among them, then they had returned to
the level of their forefathers, who had the secret of God
upon their tents -- only they were the Chariot [upon which
God rested] (Bereishis Rabbah 47:8). Then they were
considered to have been redeemed. Therefore this Book ends
by concluding the subject of the Tabernacle, when the Glory
of Hashem filled it continuously.
by Rav Samson Raphael Hirsch:
In terms of the first citation, Rav Hirsch's comments are:
Moses looked over the whole completed work, and lo! On the
work two things were imprinted saying "they had made
it;" in every part, in the smallest, in the greatest,
the whole personality, the devotion, the voluntary
enthusiasm, the power of accomplishment of the nation was
expressed; and secondly "as God commanded, exactly so
had they made it" this whole energetic zeal and
enthusiasm had nevertheless, in part and in whole restricted
itself meticulously to the Divine commands. Nowhere could be
detected an effort, by adding or leaving out, to carry out
any idea of improvement, to leave some impression of the
artist's own personality on the work. Each and every workman
accepted as his highest aim the careful and precise carrying
out, not of his own ideas, but the ideas and thoughts which
were embodied in the commands of God.
by Reb Yosef:
Although I am quite certain there are times when my harping
on Ahavat Yisrael begins to sound like a broken record, this
is one of those things that is of utmost importance to me.
We can see the direct results of Ahavat Yisrael and Ahavat
Hashem in the p'sukim I quoted above. Here we see recorded
an instance in which individual pursuits were set aside for
the greater good of B'nei Yisrael and the greater good of
all things. Here we see recorded an example of what it means
for Klal Yisrael (the Nation of Israel) to be or lagoyim (a
light to the nations). What is even more important is what
we see at the end of this Sefer. God descended upon the
Tabernacle. More than that, God was physically present in
this world. Perhaps there is a great lesson there for us
concerning how we can bring God back to this world we live
Translations in Torah Portions of the week are partially taken from the ArtScroll
Stone Edition Chumash and from
Rav Samson Raphael Hirsch Chumash
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