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The Torah's
Weekly Portions
starts out in a very interesting way.
It records the chronology of journey of Bnei Yisrael
(the Children of Yisrael/Jacob) from the point where they left
Mitzrayim (Egypt) to where they stand now - at the door of
haAretz (the Land) waiting to cross the Yarden (Jordan). 20.
Until Hashem shall give rest to your brethren like yourselves,
and they, too, shall possess the Land that Hashem, your God,
gives them on the other side of the Jordan; then you shall
return, every man to his inheritance that I have given
you." 21.
I commanded Joshua at that time, saying, "Your eyes have
seen everything that Hashem, your God, has done to these two
kings; so will Hashem do to all the kings where you cross
over: 22.
You shall not fear them, for Hashem, your God -- He shall wage
war for you.": In the two
previous Parashot, we have considered the special relationship
that exists between God, haAretz (the Land), what is today the
State of Israel, and Klal Yisrael (the Nation of Israel - the
people). Although
I can find no commentaries to support the contention, I
believe these three psukim (verses) say something very
important. Pasuk Chav
says something most interesting, "Until Hashem shall give
rest to your brethren like yourselves, and they, too, shall
possess the Land . . ."
Clearly this is not speaking of 3,000 years ago.
If it were, it would never say "to your brethren
like yourselves. . ." All of the brethren are assembled. There are no brethren like yourselves at this point in time.
The pasuk concludes with the words, " then you
shall return, every man to his inheritance that I have given
you." Again,
here is the word "return" yet there has not been an
initial entry. Pasuk chav-aleph
(verse 21) discusses a situation in which Yehoshuah (Joshua)
has seen God vanquish the enemies of Bnei Yisrael (the
Children of Yisrael/Jacob) and Hashem further goes on to
promise that the same will be done to the kings reigning in
the Land at this time. Most
interesting is Pasuk chav-bet (verse 22) because, in a manner
of speaking, it repeats chav-aleph (verse 21) but with considerable
emphasis in that it states: 22.
You shall not fear them, for Hashem, your God -- He shall wage
war for you.": When we
consider the War of 1948 and the War of 1952, it is impossible
to believe that God was not waging war on behalf of the State
of Israel and the Jewish people living there.
How else can we possibly explain such a small army
standing off forces that numbered 100 or 1000 to one. The
importance however can be seen be reviewing the previous two
Parashot. In
those, we discussed God's Justice with the revision of the Law
concerning the Land and the equitable division for all of the
Tribes. Then we
considered the most extraordinary nature of haAretz and how it
has a sanctity and a vibrancy of Its own because of the
special relationship that exists between It and God.
Likewise, last week's Parashah outlined what is
necessary if Klal Yisrael is to form an active part of that
What I believe these psukim are saying, when
taken in the light of the previous Parashot, is that provided
we, as Jews, will uphold our responsibilities to care for each
other and never to spill the bloods of our fellow Jews, but
moreover to treat each other with respect, that God will keep
His promises to us concerning our well-being and our
relationship with haAretz.
However, should we choose to ignore those
responsibilities, we will forego the relationship and our own